Friday, October 8, 2010

And it has begun

The journey has been long.... (not really)

This has been something that has been in and on my mind for a long time. I have this love for cooking outside, actually a love for all things cooking. But I am drawn to the open flame...the smell of wood smoke...and the wonderful, mouthwatering flavors of the BBQ.

I have spent my life (most of my life since I was inspired by the Galloping Gourmet as a youth, but that is another story) with a love affair with food. And all things food. Do I consider myself a "foodie"? Nope. I have much to learn, and for some reason the term foodie makes me think of a "Know it all snob". Me, I just like to kick back and cook.

Over the last several years I have tried to write down my thoughts on food, and cookie. Always having the feeling there was something to say, but never quite sure how to say it. Plodding along there would be great ideas that only stayed in my head. Never knowing exactly how to put the words down on paper I let it be, only to be picked up again at a later date.

Memories of my past actually motivates me at this point to have this new beginning. An old friend from college resently got in tough with me and asked some questions about BBQ, and a new smoker that he had gotten as a gift. Another friend wanted to reproduce a rub that I had made. The son of a "smoker" enjoyed a meal at my house saying that it was nice to taste something different. The list could go on and on, but I will leave it at that.

I am just going to start writing about things that go on one of my grills. Things that happen around my grills. Things about life and my world of food. I promise not to try and be something that I am not, and promise not to think I know it all (because I never will).

Along the way I hope to have a little fun. And if nothing else, hopefully I will inspire myself to get better at what I love to do.

If you happen upon this....hope I don't waste your time.

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