Saturday, January 1, 2011


I wonder, in this world, how many people make resolutions... I wonder what is the most popular resolution....

The tradition of the New Year's Resolutions goes all the way back to 153 B.C. Janus, a mythical king of early Rome was placed at the head of the calendar. Now that is something. People have been lying to themselbes for thousands of years.

According to the US Govt. (glad we are paying some tax money for this research), these are the 10 most popular resolutions....(and how they fit in my life).

In no particular order:

*Drink less alcohol (nope)

*Get a better education (nope)

*Get a better job (nope, love my job)

*Get fit (I can see this blood pressure is out of sight)

*Lose weight (for sure)

*Manage Debt (nope...want to forget about my debt, is that an option)

*Manage Stress (nope...can't manage what I really don't have)

*Quit smoking (nope...haven't had a cigarette in over ten years)

*Reduce, reuse, recycle....( nope)

*Save money (that is a good one)

*Take a trip (I would love this, but is that really a resolution)

*Volunteer to help others (this is what the world needs more of)

As you see, I do not think too much of what the popular resolutions are. Now this year, I am going to take a new approach. I made a list of things that I am hoping will be part of my life once 2011 ends. Each one of these will make me a better person, which in turn will make me a better person. But I will not, never, under any circumstances call them resolutions....

And here is the list:

1)Read the Bible
2)Learn Spanish
3)Read 20 Books
4)Write this Food Blog
5)Weigh 180 pounds
6)Run a race
7)Play an organized Soccer match
8)Start a Bible Study
9)Have one date night a month with my wife
10)Have one family meal a month (not in house, but with family and friends)
12)Write letter to shut in's
13)Brew Beer
14)Play Guitar
15)Immokolee (not sure where this will take me)

Twelve months to tackle 15 thingys. Should be ok....right? Let's check back on this sometime in June...what do you think?

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